My Essence. My Being.
To see into the essence of my being,
One must scrape away the topical layer of an extroverted socialite.
To take a glance into the depths of being,
One must realize that the confidence being portrayed on the outside does not always resound within.
I am a lover.
I am a being containing passionate intricacies that never cease to exude from my soul.
I try my best to attain the social standing in the crowd, but I do not always appreciate the shroud views, negative comments, or apathy toward those that are soaked by these items.
I am one who seeks after my God.
I am one of many that approach this task,
Few who attempt it,
And none that fully accomplish His vision.
An old soul is what they call me.
I do not take this compliment lightly.
To be surrounded by fast-paced, rapid movers and shakers every day,
It is nice to be considered as a member of this worthy society.
My deepest gratitude and respect goes out to all of the old souls out there.
We are the ones that take none of the knowledge around us for granted,
The ones that do not see fit with simply living and allowing injustice to occur,
The ones that are constantly thinking of how a change is going to come.
No matter the amount of reverence I, alone, can give,
It is surely not enough to convince the whole of my peers to see the same.
Leader is a word that is often mentioned when I am spoken to or about.
“President of this club and that organization,” they say.
I do not take for granted any of the opportunities I have been given,
But I often wonder what my alternative would be without such positions.
A natural born leader. An innovator. A modern pioneer.
Who am I to say that I can live up to these standards?
It is only through the power and gift bestowed upon me by a higher being
That I can even begin to accept these accolades.
Without my deepest regards being given to my Creator,
I fall short of all glory and stand as nothing.
This is the essence with which I live my life each day.
These are the pieces of me that combine with one another to create the picture the world sees.
My story is one of a pursuing actor and English major.
My story is one of a seventeen year old aspiring to be like his Father.
My story contains the works of two hard-working parents and the love of friends, teachers, and inspirers over a course of twelve years of schooling.
My essence, my authentic self, thanks you for being yourself.