My double-edged sword
Love, such a crazy little thing
at first it makes your heart flutter
everything is suddenly rose tinted and bright
You become stronger
A forsefield surrounding your very soul, protecting you from the cruel outer world
Love, such a cruel little monster
it makes your heart ache
it fills your very essence with pain
You wonder what went wrong, what you did to deserve such pain
Unanswered questions and shitty answers pave the pathway to recovery
Love, the double-edged sword that I could never live without
its pain and pleasure combine to create a stronger me
A me that has learned to ignore the unanswered questions
to ignore the spiteful words shooting bullets from the mouth of the one I once loved
it has given me a shield of confidence and strength
So that even though I am covered with the scars of past affairs, I can still love others
and I can still be loved by others.