My Dog Ate It
We know the seduction of a harsh word
Like we know the succubus-like tendencies
Of pressure.
The do-its are like Loreley
Singing our ship against the winds
And we stroke
And we stroke
To join her.
More work
To leave work
To ignore and pretend and
Deny work.
Sometimes it's easier to deny everything
In favor of a small bundle of green
Wrapped in paper and burning in the
Of life that surrounds us
It seems to surround us
The scent of skunk and responsibility
Drifting away arround us.
It smells like a concert
Like alcohol on the breath
And promises to be gentle
And the knowledge that we are unprotected.
So we seek the red and the blue
We seek the twist of fingers
That lets us know where we belong.
We seek a weapon in the people around us
We use the people around us
We use the weapon to hurt the people around us and
The blood on the streets matches the brick
Red of our bandanas and our shoelaces.
We seek a weapon
Before we learn to seek escape.
There's no escape in punishment.
Those above us have given into the
Seductress of
Harsh words
As we have given into the Sirens
Of ignoring responsibility
And finding protection in the brick red of our
Bandanas and our shoelaces.
Does it help to make our cheeks match the streets?
Does it change to breathe
Or shout
Or murmur the
Harsh words
Of apparent retrubution?
Sometimes a piece of us laughs.
We laugh
We smile
We laugh until we get home
And there's no chance to face
When instead we're facing a belt
When instead we're facing the cans that scatter the
And the knowledge that our creator has
Given in to Loreley.
No mind paid to us
Unless we forget to clean up the cans
Unless we bring up the scent of concerts
That rises to the ceiling above the
Nag champa and sweat.
We find solace in the stiff chairs
The desks that dig into ribcages
Rather than bruise them.
There's no solace in abandoning responsibility
But there is in avoiding the flowers
That spread across our chests in
Of red-blue and green.
Violets making us pretty with the
That line our wrists.
Our creators take to Loreley and
Give as much thought as they
Unless we forget to keep our faces clean
Unless we slide the paper that could be used to
Create a small light in the
Dark of our lives
Down the row
Down the row
Just focus down the row.
Just laugh down the row
Until we reach home
Until we reach the streets
Until we seek solace in retribution
We seek a weapon in the people around us
We seek escape
But you turn our cheeks the color of the bricks
That may one day match those of the prison to surround us.
No mind paid to us.
Instead the salary we are due
Is given to a paper
While no mind is paid to us.
Please pay mind to us.