My Days Adventure

Tue, 04/30/2013 - 20:51 -- Kateira

She looks at the little old lady with the skin that sags
Who has thick binocular glasses and holds a hankercheif over her mouth.

Then there's the middle aged traveler with his suitcase that is talking to the tired looking single mother trying to make it home to her kids.

The handy Cap man in front with the little liver colored bitch has colored the bus with his flatulent scent. He keeps counting the four bottles of sauce in the box positioned on his lap

Then there is the pubescent girl with her face resembling a clown not that the young boy next to her notices. He is to busy trying to lick the back of her throat.

The familiar deaf man is steady creating his own language between asl and easily understood gestures so that he can communicate with the gothic teen across from him.

Then the pool of kids just released from school yell at the top of their lungs and laugh the carefree noise only children have.

Meanwhile,the girl in the second seat on the right observes them all and records the odd behaivors of those around her

Then she closes her eyes for a minute and smiles, thinking to herself how all these random people are thrown together everyday for a 20 minute ride on the public city bus




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