Alexander K Opicho

(Eldoret, Kenya;


My name is nomenclatural postmodernism

My age is a blend of colonialism and freedom

My gender is engendered minus bias to LGBT

My languages is cultural defense from cultural Darwinism

With subaltern survival in the south-south dance,

My place of birth is epicenter of globalectics

My education is cosmetic with a knack in encyclopedic sham,

My work historiography is dialectic ignobling of the worker

As proceeds of my hand equally ennobles the master,

My profession is maximum respect to economic powers that be,

My schooling was done in two huge palimpsests,

My focus is to achieve poetic obscurantism out of artistic destituence,

My referees abode in the beatitude that blessed are they who thrill in ideas

For them is the kingdom of kingdoms in the global uni-polar politics.





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