My Constant
I can hide my imperfections
with just one click
with one click I can change
my hair, my skin, my whole face
But, there is one thing that
remains constant,
my eyes
My eyes tell the same story
no matter what angle I use,
what filter I use,
or what mask I put on
The story of a girl
Who was witness
to things she should not have seen,
things that would bend her until she broke
The story of a girl
Who had her youth yanked
out of her fragile hands,
only to be replaced with pain
The story of a girl
Who is falling into a dark abyss
full of demons she could not escape
And, to this day you can see her,
You can see her fighting to break free
but starting to slowly fade away,
slowly starting to
loose herself to the darkness
that she was destined to fall to
And, will she ever break free?
She will most likely loose,
but atleast she will loose