My Characters
There are a million words out there.
And there are words that express people.
Yet, I can't find a word that expresses me. To explain who I am, how I think, and how I act.
But I write a lot. And I create these characters.
And these characters hold a piece of me in them.
They may have my eyes, the color of my hair, my skin color or they act the way I act, they think the way I think.
And I was going through a time where I didn't want to love myself.
So I began to write, to express the feelings that I just couldn't say in real life.
The more I wrote, the more beautiful characters I created.
Each one I wrote, I loved.
It wasn't until I sat down and began to read my stories that I realized my characters, my beloved characters, reminded me of someone.
I love myself and my characters helped me do that.
Because I love my characters.
Because my characters are me.