My Challenge
A person faces a challenge everyday
some are small and fade away
Mine was much larger and came at the end of May
I was a young girl in the just 8th grade
My father sat me down and told me the news
I had less than one month until I would lose
My friend, my daddy, my hero, my schmooze
The night before he left he showed me the moon
He said, “Although I leave soon
just remember one thing,
every time I look at this moon
I will be thinking of you”
Those were the words I needed to hear
because losing this man was my greatest fear
He was shipped over seas to fight a war
a war on terrorism and more
He fought 430 days and fought 430 nights
he fought for America he fought for our rights
When he was gone not a day went by
that I shed a tear or even cried
I had this strength not only through faith and prayer
But I had this strength by looking up in the air
Every night I would look to the moon
I would whisper to my dad, “I'm thinking of you.”
I was able to conquer this challenge day by day
I was able to face my fear in just the 8th grade
I thank the Lord for giving me this challenge back in may,
Although it was hard it made me the woman I am today