My Brave Knight

My heart disappears
Under the pages
Telling himself
He's failed me again.
He feels so ashamed
Because of the stages.
One day he's praying,
The next he's in sin.
I wish I could show him
How much he's grown
And how far I know
He can go from here.
His terror runs deep;
Right to the bone.
I would give anything
To calm all his fear.
I wish he could see
How much I rely
On his steady beat
And undeniable strength.
Doesn't he know
Without him, I'd die?
Or does he not care
If I go as a teen?
I don't know how
I could possibly cope
If he decided to quit
Or leave without word.
I guess I'd get used
To the way that he broke.
Though a heart without beat
Is a little absurd.
I'd rather not think
Of what I would do
If he were to stop
And give up the fight.
If that were the case
I bid you adieu
I know I can't live
Without my brave knight. 


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