My Black Pen
Another line written
another test taken
no one could see what i think
until I found your black ink
When I was young I used pen
because I thought my work was perfection
Now i write in pen like its an obsession
Because I want the world to see my imperections
My pen is black, bold, and resilient
The darker the ink
The deeper the thought
That's what you taught
You leave your mark
On anyone who comes in contact with you
You're always in a good mood
That's why my pens are never blue
Pens always scared me as a kid
Because you couldn't erase them
But now that's forunate
Because now the best things in life are permanent
My name was first written in black
I don't paint in black
Or wear it much
According to my friends,
I don't talk black either
But it won't get under my skin
As long as I have my black pen.