My Athletic Player


            I know it's reality but it feels like a dream somehow I know you're standing there watching me. I hear your steady feet follow me as you sneak glimpses of my face while I hide at the mention of your name. The sweet sounds of your voice only gets softer as the scent of your strong smell becomes wiser. I couldn't imagine a day without knowing you're coming my way. I fail to talk to you even though we've been friends for awhile. Not a day goes by that I don't remember your soft heavy hands swooshing across my face. Sending chills down my horrid veins. I stood there watching wishing my eyes would go dim and your focus on me would soon disappear. That day we've became more than friends because I felt a bound a mother couldn't bend. Where you go I go and where you eat I eat. A reckoning between us couldn't reap. Without you would be dreadful and your emotions shows you feel that way to. As the years go by faster I just picture us staying together walking down and finshing our story with two simple words I do. Tall, brown, and strong we would remain together for you are my athletic player.                                                                                             

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