My Appreciation Towards Anime
I want to thank the ones that taught me to never give up
I want to appreciate those who showed me how to live up
They underwent pain but they rose
They kept walking the path they chose
These lessons were taught to me through anime
The cartoons that are fun to watch all day
Each of them taught me in a different way
Naruto taught me to work for my dream
He kept going, even though to him, his village used to be mean
Then he achieved his goal while still having a heart of gold
Luffy showed you can live free all the while exploring the world to see
He flowed the life inside of me setting a path only I can lead
The people that showed me to fight for my friends
All the way to the bitter end, is Fairy Tail
Standing by each other they never fail
I stand by my loved ones, helping me to prevail
I can still be strong, even though I was considered a zero
It was Deku's hard work, that showed me I can still be a hero
These people may not be real, but what they stand for is
I understand how they feel, enabling me to live