My 4 Letter-Word Post
Love: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
Love a four-letter word, one syllable, and it makes me think of you.
According to your issue of Cosmos on my- I mean OUR bathroom, among your hair brush and my lotion,
The honeymoon stage usually last around 2 years, 6 months and 25 days
But I laugh, I’m completely certain that this love, will continue to burn
We learn from each other, every day, remember when you cooked pasta in a microwave?
But you correct my grammar when it’s wrong and shoot a playful finger gun
We don’t need to have each other’s passwords or magical lock combination,
A quick “Babe! I need to use your phone” and we come to help unlock the devices
Trust, a 5 letter-word, one syllable and something we both have in each other
I don’t feel the urge to worry about you while you’re out with your friends or meeting new people,
Just like you do while I go to do the groceries and WON’T get those delicious donuts
And I think we have plenty of communication! Not that it’s a bad thing
As I’m currently type this and you’re out with your friends, you’re telling me about the food,
How it would be a good place to go on a date- don’t worry I’ve already making reservations
It’s respecting our weirdest hobbies and our fears, like your obsession with Harry Potter
My fear that an insect will crawl into my ear and lay eggs in my brain
We ARE different, that's okay. We DO argue, that's okay. We HAVE said mean things
when we didn't mean them, that's OKAY. But we ALWAYS come back and talk about it and say sorry.
WE ARE NOT PERFECT, that's okay, it's the imperections that makes us "perfect"
The priceless picture you sent me of you not too long ago, which is my lock screen
Is now going on my Instagram because I want to spead the love with a tag that sums our relationship all up: #BecauseILoveYou