
Mon, 11/04/2013 - 22:30 -- alli303


Individuality; A little bit of imagination mixed with reality.

You are whatever you wanna be, an you can be whatever, potentially,

Like Nas told our young nation, "I know I can, be what I wanna be"

His words and creation made it easier for me, personally.

For me, my heart is with the music.

I wanna find a way to use it, not abuse it, make it my life and never, ever lose it.

Music is one of the few things that are different every time, but always unique,

Similar to a Colorado sunrise, a nice rhyme, or maybe a snowfall in a Rocky Mountain peak,

Who I am and what I love, I chose.

Now it's up to me to continue to live the life I love and love the life I live,

Bob Marley said it perfectly, if I remember, that's how it goes.

Music is such a beautiful thing, that I don't even have to hear someone sing, to listen to something.

I enjoy the sound of cars driving by, with water dripping on the street,

It's raining and while I watch the sky cry, I can hear my heart beat.

The songs that life plays unintentionally are essentially my favorite of them all.

Music has my back and is with me 'til my days are done; Until I fall. 


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