Movin' on
If the world never turned
and the tide never rose
and all of the clocks had stopped,
where would we be
what would we do
if bottoms all turned topped?
We’d have a problem,
no worry is in store...
we can’t move ahead,
nor fall behind
no need to open doors.
living life in stagnation
where nothing ever changed,
people wouldn’t learn any more
fads would stay the same.
We’d be living in a closed world
nothing really matters
creation, frustration, bigotry,
can’t you hear the chatters?
but, the world keeps turning
tides keep slowly rising
time continues on,
fads maintain changing
people are raging
what is going on?
for life is always modifying
the many ways we live and talk,
so we shift a little with the world,
a baby step becomes a walk.
That’s if:
we don’t get caught
in a circle of thought
that holds our ideas unfair.
‘cause talking up and down
riding a merry-go-round;
never gets us anywhere.
For the knowledge of the world
is locked up in our minds.
if we throw away that key,
we’d ruin it for all mankind.
So make a resolution to use your key
and through those doors shall see
how colorful life really is...
opening up your stagnant mind
to all types of human kind.
the world will be glad you did.