they start off with people.
Racism. Sexism. Prejudism.
We live with 'em,
Sit next to them on the bus.
Glared at.
Snared at,
listen to them while they throw hate at,
Its not real until you hear it from your best friend,
who just got looked down on because of the color of her skin.
You never thought of her as different, why do they?
we think about them as the past,
but when you hear about "your place" as accepted humor,
as something to laugh at, you realize its time to fight back.
When can we describe people by whats in their minds instead of their wallets?
when can we accept people for who they are instead of what we think they should be?
They start with people.
Anne Frank, Ghandhi, Martin luther and You.
Change is Definite. Infinite. and happening.
Dont sit at home and write about the past,
make the Future.
You Are The Movement.