Mother's Day 2016
18 years you’ve been my Mom,
Selfless and loving me all along
Crawling, crying, baby years
Since then you’ve helped me face my fears
Through tempered fights full of sass
You’ve always put up with my pain in the ass
So thank you, Mom, you’re in the clear
No longer a baby, adulthood is near
The independence I have learned through you
Has provided me with steps for my future debut
Soon I am going away for college
Instilled and prepared with foundational knowledge
I’ll work so hard to make you proud
Enriched with love and support, I have been endowed
Thank you, Mom, for all that you do
For all that you’ve done and continue to
From my often complicated and analytical views
Your love and support has seen me through
Thank you mom and thank you again
I love you forever and ever times ten