mother mother

if i should become a mother,

i will not controll my children with fear.

no, i wil be their solice.

i want my daughter to know that she can call me when she is in trouble

because nothing is scarrier 

than being kcked out of a party cut short

2 shots and a hit away from passing out 

following an unfamilliar blurry face home because

the feer of your mother overrides the fear of stragers.

and if my son should ever start skipping meals

if i should ever catch my son holding measuring tape 

underneeth his buldging rib cage,

i will hand him a shirt to put on, make him a smoothie,

and tell him how hadsome and perfect he really is,

i will say it over and over

evey day

till the words are probed into his mind.

because nothig can make you feel so insigificant than

when your mother sees it with her own eyes but

refuses to ackowlage anything.

if one day my daughter accudetly rolls up her sleaves 

and lets rays of sun kiss an array of scars on her wrist,

i will tell her that the scars id always told her were from an accident

were no accident at all

and that she wasnt alone 


because nothing is more exhausting

tha having a constad game of hide and seek

with your scars and your mother

if my son were to ever bring home a boy,

and hold his had as they walk through the door and

kiss his cheek when he itroduced him,

i will ask if hed like to stay for dinner, 

then as they go up the stairs to his room id tell him to keep the door open.


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