Dr. King stood for more than just a line of a speech
That the white lense takes away the rest of
So now I preach
King was a revolutionary much like the rest
And he had more than just a dream
King said “It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment.”
Look how the country has become in its failure to own it
Follow our first black president up with one that lacks integrity
People come to me with political incorrectness and no sincerity
Everywhere you look all you can see is polarity
King said it would be fatal...
King said “There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights.”
Still every step toward equality is met with a fight
We protest but they still see what they despise
We say black lives matter
We say ‘say her name’
We say hands up don’t shoot
We’re tired of seeing every death like strange fruit
We’re tired of the profiling
We’re tired of working twice as hard to get half as much
We keep screaming: I can’t breath, I can’t breath, I. Can’t. Breath.
But King said there would be neither rest, nor tranquility...
King said “The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of one nation until the bright days of justice emerge.”
Keep fighting the fight until injustice we purge
Do what we can to avoid the violence
But the fact remains
We will never choose silence
Trouble the water, shake the trees
I know my biggest threat to them will be my degrees
King said The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations
And so we know that King had more.
And me? Well
America has never been America to me
Langston Hughes
People still exploit our suffering
On the news
Barely scratch the surface of my history
Outside of rappers and gangsters my role models remain a mystery
Everyday I wonder if a make a real difference
I have a dream.
A dream that one day it’ll all go away
A dream that the generation of tomorrow
Not worry about the sufferings of today
King said and now I’ll say
I have a dream