Moral Compass
The cracks and crevices
The bricks and steel
The pain and punishment
The way the earth has seemed
to rotate away from what was once
expected from the universe.
How the sunlight can only be
seen from one side of the
building, one particular
side in which I am forced
to dwell, with them, the others
who have been deemed
unworthy of any attention
unfit for the rest of society
incapable of being helped
We, the prisoners, see the
the way that life can take
a person and twist them
inside out while shaking
out whatever knowledge
they once obtained about
dignity and self respect
Those who have once
told us that we had a
chance now hang
their heads in shame
because even they
know now that we
never had a chance
and will never again
be given the oppurtunity
to make right what has
been taken from us
A moral compass
that now spins in
all directions.