Moral Compass
"I love my other grandpa more than you!,"
When you made me eat those onions.
I was only a child,
But I still fear that it hurt.
When those girls called you "whore,"
I wouldn't have kept my mouth shut;
Trying to avoid confrontation.
I feel it's the same as if
I were the one to call you that name
I would not have told Mama
About what I saw you do.
Maybe it was right,
But still not my place.
Ten years ago and I still feel to blame.
I was so tired of giving you money,
But I should not have lied.
Your clothes were tattered
And sadness in your eyes.
You needed it more than me.
I wouldn't have hated you
For the childhood I had.
Even when you failed
You still tried again.
I would have noticed that.
When I was afraid
I would have called out
Your name
When you were leaving.
There's a way
To change
My destiny.
These things
In me.