a little girl being beaten by her father
a little girl being molested by her father's friend
same child looking for love became the little girl lost
she exposes herself only to be riducule by group of guys
internally, she felt like a monster like beauty and the beast
guys took advantage of her vulnerability in which she became a feast
rejection became a disease that turned to the life of prostitution
lifestyle in her vantage point was an innovation that became a revolution
trying to look for employment in which employers feel she belongs in a mental institution
in her lost and sorry eyes, that was normative until a guy sexually violates her like rights in a constitution
that was the last straw
not only she broke his jaw
she shot and killed him
feelings of attraction for guys turned into hatred
that was the defining moment that she became known as monster
every guy she encounters, they became victims of her rage
although she was young, trauma that suffocated her state of mind made her feel older than her actual age
it became a killing spree
every victim that was killed, all she did was drive the victim's cars and flee
when she was finally caught, she was arrested
a witness identify her as the killer in which others attested
nobody didn't know what she has to endure in her life
as she was handcuffed and heading to the electric chair
she advocated something that struck a nerve in hoping someone will care
you are sending a rape victim to death row
in the judge's eyes, she was a serial killer. that's sad, it becomes an all time low