A Moment's Rest
Dazed eyes.
Look through a hazy
curtain of blurry mirages.
Stifled by the noisy crowd
but is sitting stone-still
alone in a small corner.
A small sigh escapes
through my red lips,
where bloody curses
have never flowed free.
My mortal soul desperately
claws my way up the cliff of Life,
while my body lays beneath,
submerged in the rough
turbulence of the angry currents,
drifting thoughts and tired words.
Teetering at the edge of blind
Insanity, there is only one last
silver strand of thread holding
the fabric of my being together
that I hope will never be severed.
See my friends, my family,
that one chapter of a book I
haven’t read yet--oh, the joys of
Life amidst the temptation of Death.
The sharp shrill of the school
bell pulls me back from my small
corner to the unwanted Reality.
Stand to observe the now
scattered rushing of the crowd.
I follow.