Model Sized

I started noticing my curves in the third grade

In a single file line I examined my new shape

tentative finger tips grazing my sides

Nine years old getting glances from guys


I watched as I began to shape shift

Asking if I was old enough for a face lift

Exaggerating my training bra size

Watching and waiting for a gap between my thighs


Eleven years old and he called me fat

It’s been years and I never did forget that

Hands examining my body in the mirror

Crying, praying one day I would be thinner


Fourteen and I don’t eat

Work out playlist blasting on repeat

I play it so loudly you can feel the bass boom

So you don’t hear the noises in the bathroom


Seventeen; slits on my wrists

Boys and girls alike sneaking glances at my hips

From a young age they teach us we’re objectified

Yeah, I’m dead inside

But at least I’m model sized


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