Mistakes happen all the time. They can teach us something or they can really make us regret something we did.
But when I make a mistake, don't come to me and shove it in my face saying it was all my fault. I know what I did and I'm not proud of it.
But please, don't come repeating it to me like it'll do any good at all, because it won't. The only thing it'll do is reopen the wound that was already starting to heal. IT HURTS!!
But, there's a limit on how many times you can reopen a wound. There's a point where those nerves around the wound begin to die, those feelings, then you begin to feel nothing at all, and it doesn't hurt you anymore. That's how you get a stone, cold-hearted person. The scar is there, but it's ugly because of how many people have messed with it.
Don't be one of those people that "forgive's" but doesn't forget.