Mirror, mirror on the wall
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Why does society tell me I'm to ugly,
I'm not pretty, need to be skinny, and way to tall.
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Do you think I'm pretty enough, or do I look to dull, maybe I stand to tall?
Should i be alive at all.
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Why do i care so much about what they say at all.
Can I be enough, beautiful and strong.
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Society says I'm not smart enough to make it out in the real world.
I don't get it, but I'm struggling through their decision.
Mirror mirror on the wall
Why am I not skinny enough,
I've skipped three meals today,
Nobody knows, or noticed at all
I've lost alot of wait, it unhealthy but I want them to approve.
Mirror mirror on the wall
When will society stop with this all.
Younge kids shouldn't be ashamed to stand strong and tall.
No one should have to starve themselves to fit behind society's judgmental wall
It's not right at all.
Younger children shouldn't feel all this pressure to be someone they're not.
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Let all the younger kids
Stand proud and tall, they are who they are unique and strong.
Don't let society string them along.