Mirror Mirror
My best friend
tells me lies, but shows the truth
Always can reflect my thoughts.
I ask him what he thinks.
My best friend, who is fairer?
Mirror, mirror
I keep searching for your glass
seeking someone beautiful
but your image gives proof
to the stranger staring back at me.
You don't have to be so mean
when you look at me.
Mirror, mirror
I am not perfect
and never will be.
So honest yet cruel,
you force twisted images
and reflect an ugly person
I dont recognize.
I will shatter your glass
Your never ending presence
I don’t need to see my skin
to know my soul is beautiful.
My spirit shines brighter
than my appearance.
My laughter is prettier
than my thighs.
You think your so high up
stop bringing me down.
Mirror mirror
Believe me when I say we are all beautiful
You’re convinced we’re not thin enough
and our teeth aren't straight enough.
But you know what?
I am enough.
We are enough.
Every man and woman staring back at you
is enough.
Mirror mirror
We are a force to be reckoned with
you have damaged our image too long.
We’ve had enough.
Believe me when I say
imperfections are beautiful.
Freckles are cute
And big hips are curvy.
Mirror mirror,
if you only knew
the irony in beauty
is wanting what you cannot have.
To all the people
with messy hair and thick bellies,
don’t shadow your beauty
in self doubt.
You are so perfect,
if you could only see yourself
as I do,
you’d wish you were as beautiful as you.