The Mind of the Carcass

Are you happy?

Or are you sad?

With the life

you once had.

When you were creative

When you were happy

When you were young

When you were ignorant

When you were oblivious

When you thought of nothing at all.

But that's all over now

Now you're done

Now you can't stop

You think for hours on end about impossible questions

Impossible lives

Impossible things

But that isn't what hurts you

That isn't what binds you 

To the destruction of all things.

You have noone to listen

Noone there

You are literally talking to a chair

The walls are your friends

They listen a lot

Those poor little walls

How they must be distraught

With all the pain they witness

The suffering

The defiance

The destrustion

The procrastination

The anxiety

The insanity

But sadly

They don't talk

They repeat what you say

Without saying a word

These walls are my friends

All the inanimate objects

They are my friends

My mentors

My hopes

My dreams

They contain them all.

They know them all

They are everything

Everything I might never have

A real friend

A real life

Another one who cares

Who cares for me

As I do for them

Peace of mind

Something I only ever achieve

When I sleep

And even then my mind is scraped

It's beaten

It's tortured

Self harm

It won't stop itself

It can't stop itself

It destroys itself with every dying moment

For it's not alive

So am I

Died awhile ago

When I finally felt nothing

When anger consumed me

Confusion consumed me

When my broken sanity consumed me.

Every day I hope for the end of it

The end of my mind

Eventhough it's not mine.

I do not own it.

I want it gone



But remembered

For all the thinking it did

The things it thought of

It's views

It's workings

It's entire life

For it to be forgotten

Is to fail in all aspects

Which I have failed in all but one

My honesty

So please

Don't blame me 

Blame the thing standing before you

Something I didn't create

I didn't want

It wants to be gone

Can't you see it in its eyes!

The need 

The want

The destructive force

The broken force

Frankenstein's monster

Staring you in the face

You call it smart

You call it witty

You think it's handsome

What a pity.

The law restricts it

It's sliver protects you

The sanity that is left

On the verge of tearing

Once it's torn

It won't hold back

It can't hold back

So save yourself

Run while you can

For this being you look at

Has nothing to lose

Nothing to dread.

This poem is about: 


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