Mind Body and Soul
Throughout 2016, I remember everything that has happened to me as a social work student. I remember working and going to school full-time and extremely conscious of my weight and self-doubting my ability as social work. March 2016 I was surprised to be nominated by CUNY York College Women's Center for the 2nd Annual Women Regnotion Award. After that, I began to make myself realize that I needed to build my confidence up. At 22 I am looking directly at my reflection across from my bed, and I saw a woman who loved me, deeply. I said once while we were sitting in my room quietly I dreamt of myself receiving a degree and being an effective social worker that made a difference. But I was afraid. At 23 now, I try to unpack all of the negative things that I am too ashamed to admit affect, my relationship with my body and mind. I reflect on all of the ways I learned to pack myself up. I knew exactly what to wear, how to stand, how to sit. I learned how to accept myself, how, and what to say positive things to myself each morning, I learned that I am doing the best I can and to understand if things don't go my way it is out of my control. At 23 I am trying to undo this damage. I pray I am better for my children and yours.