The Million Dollar Plan and The Million Dollar Smile
He walks just as honorable as he stands
He talks with intelligence and compassion
He has the determination to withstand,
The actions that take a toll on his passions.
Not only the worse, but the things meant for him to not understand
He fears nothing under the stars, he’s God’s child
He’s a man of God, and that will never go out of style
He is the one that will be around for a long while
Within him is the light, that was made for such a man
And though the world is against him
He walks through life intimidated by nothing.
Because he aware that life is a gamble, but with God by his side, he will always end up with something
He knows that the road will not be easy
Trials and tribulations, mistakes and temptations
He knows that he already has enemies and doubters
And because he faces much adversary l
He knows that he must walk of faith, honor, and dignity not just sit around with the pouters
He is fully aware of himself
He desires godliness, not just wealth
He is a lover of all, and a true king by nature
And though to humanity, he is viewed as a menace
He recognizes within himself great stature
He knows he has a calling to help others from here on after
And though to the world he is a black man in America
Which majority envision as a shame
When He looks in the mirror
He sees a great man that is loved by many
And Kylan is his name.
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Karla Alvarez
love this poem. so inspiring.
OK if I recited it at a meeting?
course I will give you Credit, but
Need to switch up the gender tags
he/him and boy/man to they/them and people.
more powerful for my group that way.
Are we good?
Karla Alvarez
Black Excellence
[Modified version of a poem titled ‘The Million Dollar Plan and The Million Dollar Smile’, by Kylan Davis on Power]
They walk just as honorable as They stand
They talk with intelligence and compassion
They have the determination to withstand,
The actions that take a toll on Their passions
Not only the worse, but also the things meant for Them to not understand.
They fear nothing under the stars, They are God’s children
They are a people of God, and that will never go out of style
They are the one that will be around for a long while.
Within them is the light, that was made for such a people
And though the world is against them
They walk through life intimidated by nothing.
Because They are aware that life is a gamble, but with God by their side,
They will always end up with something
They know that the road will not be easy
Trials and tribulations, mistakes, and temptations
They know that they already have enemies and doubters
And because they face much adversary
They know that they must walk of faith, honor, and dignity not just sit around with the pouters.
They are fully aware of themselves
They desire godliness, not just wealth
They are lovers of all, and true royalty by nature
And though to humanity, they are viewed as a menace
They recognize within themselves great stature.
They know they have a calling to help others from here on after
And though to the world they are black people in America
Which majority envision as a shame
When they look in the mirror
They see a great people that is loved by many
And Excellence is their name.
Hope you like it .