Miami, Christmas, and Jews-oh my!
Christmas Day, the supposed day of the birth of Jesus, is the day of giving presents, eating food, and spending long stretches of time with family. But you know what they say about Christmas. Christmas comes, the Christians leave, and the Jews come out to play. Who flies at ten in the morning to Miami? The Jews of course. It may be hot in Israel, but Miami’s getting hotter with the action of Jews who haven’t seen daylight since Chanukkah. All the restaurants, stores, and bars are closed, but Miami is keeping them open for that small group of people who are ruling the night away. But once the coffees have been drank, the lox has been eaten, and the families have been kissed, people realize their lotions and shampoos were taken by airport security. Now they rush to the one store they know is always open-Wal-Mart! But sadly the holiday cheer is soon gone by the one lonely employee smoking on the side and the security guard driving past the locked doors. But never fear; Walgreens is still here with your everyday needs at special Christmas prices! The shelves are half gone, the tags are barely there, and the womens’ footwear is sparkly and heeled, and of course how could you forget the most famous thing of all? The Russians and Jews are buying their favorite holiday booze right next door.