Birds' wings beat the air
At 314 miles per hour
Carrying on their backs
An infinite number of ideas
My mind, a clockwork masterpiece
Fueled by caffeine and desperation
Nothing more
A feather frees itself from the tallest branch
And gently falls to the forest floor
Until it is once more lifted by the breeze
And carried away
Such are my thoughts
Millions of separate entities
Living in discordant harmony
Existing for mere moments
At a time
My mind is a palace
Cluttered and spacious
Constantly rearranging
Unpredictable and wild
But mine
A dragon curls at the base of my brain stem
Flames licking the nerves
And a royal elf guards my memories
Dilligent in his duty
Nestled in my inspiration
Lies a restless wizard
Who prods my brain
And forces me
To carry on.