Forever marred are the broken statues of heroes,
Eternally rendered to rubble in mind and body,
And thrown away to wither in the casket of human memory.
Their causes are quickly forgotten and shut inside
Dust-collecting archives that are prohibited to be opened
By the repressive force of the passage of time upon us.
Irrevocably disconnected are the children of migrants,
Who speak only in the tongue of their oppressive hosts,
From their perennial lineages stretching through time.
That immortal piece of the soul is forever lost to them,
Shelved in the library of forgotten faith and tradition,
Covered by a thin funeral shroud of empty sorrows.
Shall we forge tradition anew, to fill the empty void,
And try to hide the scars of dissociation and hate,
Only to be forgotten once again in the hearts of the people?
Need we recreate divinity time after time — Replace
The intolerant creator who rejects all but one aspect
And would damn those of contrary opinion?
What is tradition, what is faith, what is lineage,
When it can be so easily be erased and thrust
Into the depths of human experience as folly?
For what reason must we repeatedly remake ourselves
In order to fit the mold of foreign expectations,
And forge a signature onto a contract of oblivion?
So easily is the human experience made and dismantled
That the truth and untruth are not so far apart or separate,
Because time is beyond the power of individual remembrance.
We can only regard truth and untruth in the present
Because memory only persists then — It is replaced
In the future, and itself replaces the past, without remorse.