Memories and Solutions
I press my ear to the earth
And hear the laughter
From that sunny day we spent
Sitting against the bricks
While you attempted to unleash
Your inner artist
The smooth gliding
Of pen on paper
You never use pencils
Except in sheet music
Which I write in for you anyways
I hear the
Room where we screamed
For hours
Until tears came
The walls broken down
You’ve never let me in
That side of you
And it was intimidating
To see you so naked
But I knew holding you
Would start making it okay
You don’t speak much
But your actions say it for you
There is no hiding those
Goofy smiles and our
Long-winded stares into
Each other’s souls
At three in the morning
After the third night in a row
Of breathless kisses
That’s a record I’ll never forget
And I know you won’t either
Despite your insistent chant of
“I don’t care anymore”
I watch the stitches holding you
Together slowly break loose
Every day we don’t speak
I see in your eyes
How empty you are
We need to put the pieces
Back together
Before we’re both
Too far gone