

United States
34° 12' 29.502" N, 118° 23' 55.6224" W

I remember every hit.

The look in your eyes as you brought down the belt.

I remember crying.

We sobbed in unison as the belt licked our out stretched arms.

I remember the bruises.

Every color lightening slowly.

I remember the yelling,

The salt that flowed from my eyes as you smiled.

I remember the laughter.

The feeling of pure bliss as it crossed your face.

I remember you apologizing.

Years later, when it can't change a thing,

I remember the councelors.

Each one saying you need to change.

I remember the feeling.

The moment I felt like giving up,

I remember the heat.

The day you locked us in the yard and lied.

I remember the words,

Every way you could hurt me, you did.

I remember the freedom.

Everytime we left the house, I could breath.

I remember the laughing.

The moments you told a joke and we'd laugh.

I remember the smiles.

The moment you sang, I felt at home.

I remember the faces.

The silly grins and noises that were hilarious.

I remember so much pain.

I remember so little happiness.

How can this be?

This poem is about: 
My family


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