The Melody of the Night
As the sun starts to rest its head beyond the horizon,
so does the moon start to show its head as it rises from its slumber,
the stars come from where they hid,
and the bugs and creatures come from which they where.
The crickets chirp into the night,
making of conversation,
first one, then another,
soon it is a conversational song that plays,
together with the other creatures of the night,
as the fireflies light up their way,
they make of a band and music that resounds,
that puts other to their beds,
and awaken others still.
The old owl questions all from his perch,
looking out into the night,
as the bats get ready for their night-time flight,
making their sonar screech,
resounding and rebounding,
hard to hear,
yet with it they can see.
As the moon glows clearer into the night,
the stars join with its light,
making up for the sun's rays,
a soft gentle light,
flowing down unto the stream,
as it bubbles and trickles away softly,
flowing over its rocks,
gently resting in spots.
You soon light you own fire,
putting logs into its belly,
watching as the flames dance around,
glowing and shining,
the heat soothing as it comes off,
the smell, Oh so familiar.
The house too begins to speak in its own tune,
it pops and it cracks,
settling its beams and rods,
resting as you begin too,
it talks to you in its gentle familiar voice,
as you walk, those boards silently squeak and speak.
Soon the clock beings its ticking into the night,
ticking and tocking,
counting the seconds, the minutes, the hours,
those things that you care not too,
it shows the time slowly trickling away into the night.
Soon too you being to play night's rhythm,
it weights down on you,
your eye's sag like tied with rocks,
struggling to hold them open at first,
farther and farther they make it every time,
as sleep starts to take its hold.
Still the night play's out with its melody,
it's smooth and soothing sound,
the crisp and cool air gliding down in the leaves and blades of grass,
bringing with it the smells of the night.
All too soon you start to move,
closer and closer to your bed,
making the covers,
and climbing in,
the covers call you,
the pillow comforts you,
and the mattress soft with your touch,
calling you in its own song,
that joins together with the others.
Slowly you get into bed,
the lights soon vanish,
the fire slowly burning away,
as you close your eyes,
the melody still plays.