Meet And Greet.

Thu, 10/28/2021 - 07:45 -- Wired6

Yes you're right,there's a pungent wiff.

It's permeating my nostrils.

 Darkness pervades the room,

2 thick 2 get through.

What should we do?

She loooks ok 2 me though.

What do you think?

You don't know either,do you?

Let me touch her hanging arm.

It's as cold as ham!

Mechanically formed ham,i have you know.

I'm more of a beef man.

Sorry,you're right.

Let's get 2 the matter at hand.

She's not dead is she?

It's just,since we've been here,she hasn't moved,

with cold hanging arm.

Check her pulse why don't you.

You can't-why can't you?I'm just as scared as you.

But you're much more calmer than I am

 She's breathing.

Thank goodness!

Now what?What do we do now?

I think we should call an ambulance.

This is out of our hands.She needs professional help.

Shit--they're engaged!Now what do we do?

Now's not the time 2 panic-we must keep trying.

We'll eventually get through.

Look!she's moving and making a sound.

Should we still call 999?

Yeah you're right,course we should.

If only i could get through.

Now's not the time 2 panic-we must keep trying.

We'll eventually get through!




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