Media Man
Batman was sexist
Prince charming deeply flawed
Captain hook a kleptomaniac
And Darth Vader...oh my god
How to be a man in this world
You all tell me something different
Too masculine too feminine
Come on, just stick with it
Peter Pan kidnapped children
Dr. Seuss not a nice guy
You're teaching me to be toxic
To be a man and suck it up
All I can ask is why
You say a man is just a beard and the size of his dick
To be macho, be an asshole
That will do the trick
But I'm a man and I'm kind
And I care about feelings
I'm working so hard to unlearn your toxic teachings
Ron Weasley was loyal
Mickey mouse kind
Maybe there's good masculinity I can find
There's no set map for being a man
So don't tell me how
I'm still a man
Right here and right now