Me Unbroken
Life is a tragedy when seen up close, but a comedy in the long run
I am independent, ambitious,strong and spontaneous
Inspired by success, music, love, art
Limited by self doubt, others' opinions, my insecurities, the risk of failure
Lover of my family, my talent, my life
Who feels blessed, confused, grateful
Who needs love, my family, my closest friends
Who fears failure, disappointment, humiliation
Who gives respect, encouragement, and support
Who values family, hard work, quality time
Who respects myself, my mother, anyone willing to go after what they love
Who would like to see myself make a difference in this judgmental world, see all parts of it, see myself beyond these suffocating walls of this small town
Defined by motivation
Plagued by intimidation from those, Who wants to change my view on these situations
who learns by experience, who leads by example
who follows my own path
Who will become a strong person who can say I did, I'm done and now I AM.