Me the leaf

I'm bad
Really bad
I'm really, really bad
All the time
This...doesn't go away
You can stop feeling it sometimes
but it'll just drift with you
It drifts because you drift
You and you're bad drift (like two peas in a pod)
Neither you, nor your bad truly know where to drift
But what you do know is to keep drifting
When I think of me drifting I think of a leaf
It's just sitting on the water almost still but barely going
And the water is so empty
There's nothing there which gives it this tragic beauty
The water is similar to the world in this way
The water just goes on and on
Which means the drift of the leaf just goes on and on
This, this is what I see, when I see myself
And it hurts to see myself this way but I can't help it
My thoughts drift, just like me
They drift to the leaf
The leaf that I know is me
But doesn't know where the me/leaf is going

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