Me of All People
I am broken beyond repair and flawless as well,
spinning logic and rendering it useless and disgraced.
I am wrong and I am right both simultaneously and equally,
never giving up the speed with which I transform myself idle.
I am a flea within a parasite wishing to be atom sized,
hoping that the universe will forgive me for my lack of stature.
I am at odds with myself and yet I feel at peace,
strangely satisfying an immensely unlikable contradiction.
I am charitable and I am generous but never at the same time,
drawing back the curtains and exposing the lies I have built my world around.
I am versatile, bending my pliable shape into correct and suitable formations,
exemplifying and incarnating a round peg lodged in a round hole.
I am figurative, like a gregarious rabbit pulling a magician out of its top hat,
elucidating the act of trickery and sorcery simply to convey a tired and dull point.
I am passionate, intensifying and augmenting every fire within every heart I touch,
transforming a red flicker of flame into a blue spectacle of an inferno at will.
I am more than what the thoughts of those around me describe me to be,
a joker, a loner, a fool, or an emotionless machine willing to accept social labels.
No, I am a mascot of unpredictability and randomized chaos,
barging into the room akin to an uninvited weather forecast prophesizing a storm.
Yes, I am a friend.
A friend for those in need, for those without voices, for those with no direction, for those with no purpose,
who need a hand to rescue them from drowning in their own tears.
I am not perfect, I am not ready for greatness, I am not the wall of fortitude people see when they look at me,
but why focus on what I am not when I can focus on what I can be?