Without the filters,
I am me.
With the filters,
I am me.
The substance in my mind,
Beneath my skin,
Running through my veins,
Pumping into my heart,
Is me.
None of that changes when I
Change the contrast of my photo
Or when I blur out the background
Or even parts of myself.
I am still there.
I am still creative, honest,
Friendly, intelligent, and me.
I do not fade into the blacks and whites.
I do not shine, because I turn up the brightness.
The contents of my character remains
Even though the outside is slightly altered.
I do not become someone else.
I do not mask myself and
Quick change into an alter ego.
I remain enthusiastic, caring,
Bold, loyal, and me.
With or without the filters and cool effects,
I still look like myself.
My facial features reveal my Asian heritage.
The gap in my teeth does not widen or disappear.
The length of my hair does not grow or shorten.
With or without the filters,
I am beautiful,
Because I don't let the number of likes
Or nice comments tell me I'm beautiful.
I am beautiful,
Because I don't believe the only way I can be beautiful
Is with a thousand filters and a truck full of makeup.
Though, I do use filters and wear makeup,
And filters do enhance outer beauty
And can make one stunning,
It is worth nothing when ones inner beauty
Is hideous and revolting.
I am beautiful because of what I have on the inside.
Filter or No filter.
I am still there
And who I am and who I'll always be is