Under the make- up. Beneath the filter.Behind the forced smiles.
Is a girl.A girl who’s not so sure of herself.A girl who loves to make
her daddy laugh. A girl who knows her mama’s hugs will never get old.
A girl who likes staying in pajamas all day and
watching TV. A girl who prefers eating break-
fast for dinner than break- for break- fast.A girl
who wishes on every 11:11.A girl who
wants the very best for her little sis. A girl who never leaves
the house without an “I love you.” A girl
who was afraid of driving by herself but
conquered her fear. A girl who
desires approval. A girl who
still likes reading kids’ books
just for fun.A girl who loves
lying on the beach and listening
to the waves. A girl who hopes for a husband &
family one day. A girl who wants nothing more
than to be happy. And that girl. That girl is me.