Maybe Someday
Maybe someday they will call me as I am
Maybe someday I will be seen as a man
Maybe someday I will have the physique I've been working towards
Maybe someday I'll be able to leave it behind and move forwards
Maybe someday the toxicity will stop
Maybe someday I won't put myself at the bottom and others on top
Maybe someday I will figure out who I want to be
Maybe someday I will finally feel free
Maybe someday I will know how to fully have independence
Maybe someday I will find someone who I will have that correspondence with
Maybe someday I won't feel like life is such a drag
Maybe someday I won't feel like it takes me through the wind without control like a plastic bag
Maybe someday I will feel like I deserve all those good friends
Maybe someday the "maybe somedays" will end.
"Someday" is such an empty word
Like the emptiness I feel when I am not heard
Like the punch I feel when I am misgendered
Another hit from the memories I remembered
Which I wish I could leave behind
Like the friends that made me feel confined to a straight line
Leaving a bitter sweet taste because those memories started good and ended badly
But that doesn't matter because I left happy.
"Someday" is such an empty word
Like the "I am trying" and "I am still getting used to it" it just feels absurd
"Maybe someday" is having hope but it feels damaging
Like the longing for that person to come back which can feel paralyzing
"Maybe someday" is letting time pass by
Growing older unchanging and never learning to fly.
"Maybe someday" should be "today," but sometimes "today" is just another day that has come and has not stayed.