Maybe I want to be evil (the real princesses’ story)
Maybe I want to be evil (the real princesses’ story)
They all see me
So perfect, so prissy
But mommy I'm evil
Don't you forget it
I hate wearing this
Puffy, pink dress
And walking down this aisle
Like a dumb, damsel in distress
I'm better than that
Much greater than that
Very independent
But you can't identify that
I might be pretty
But does not mean I can talk that talk
I might seem good to you mother
But does not mean I can walk that walk
I want to be like you mom
But you wear your backward shoes
And pretend you’re evil inside
But really a goody two shoes
But enough about you
This once upon a time poem is about me
Mommy, I want to be evil
And live the bad lifestyle of a villain
Keep killing and killing
Until I run out of all my adrenaline
Why you lie to me all these years?
Being a softy on the inside all the time
But really should be the princess living the lie
I should be the stepmother
Living in my own hateful denial
Faking a terrible facade
So I can hide my own pride
But in actual reality
I'm hurting on the inside
Trying to keep up with my old disguise
Maybe we should switch different side
So we both can be happy on the inside
Living in truth and not living a dumb lie.
Living in happiness, but not our own deny.
Being our true self and showing our real pride.
But you don't want that
Be stepmother and I'm the pretty, perfect princess
I'm going to escape and you going to be stuck with it.
Because mother, maybe I want to be evil
And put on a mean, black hood
So I can terrorize the kingdom and be happy for good.