May 17th, 2012
May 17th, 2012
Sitting in her room
She is getting ready
Getting ready for her big event
She hears something
Some news that breaks her heart
She holds in her tears
The thing she heard is
Her Papa
The man who helped
Raise her
Was there for every brain surgery
Was her best friend
Was there when she needed him
Held her close when she sobbed
Had a special bond with her
Her Papa
Is gone
Heart breaking
She holds in the tears
Until after the event
Sobbing uncontrollably
She remembers what he last said to her
He said,’ you know I love you?’
He also said, ‘you know how proud I am of you?’
She said she knows, but in reality
She doesn't know how much he loves her
How proud of her he is
No more memories made
All that's left are the memories they made over the years
No more hugs
No more ‘I love you’s’
No more hugs
No more promises of coming down to see her graduating
Gone from her world
Her world crumbles around her
No longer will he
Help raise her
Be there when she needs him
Be there for any more brain surgeries
Be her best friend
Hold her close when she cries
Have that special bond
Ripped from her side
Like paper out of a notebook
She sobs
She just wants to say goodbye one more time
If he was alive today,
He'd be of proud of her accomplishments
Of her graduating
Still wanting to be a veterinarian
Doing AmeriCorps
With every day, it gets easier
But she misses him so much
But she knows that her Papa
Will hold a special place in
Her heart
Dedicated to: John Wesley Davison
March 1st, 1946-May 17th 2012
You were the best grandfather
I could ever ask for! If only you could see me now! I miss you so much! I love and miss you so much! I hope to see you one day soon!
Makaya Selena Davison