Many people love math and to that I ask why.
We learn about math and try not to cry.
We hear about math and try not to sleep.
However math has roots that grow deep.
It starts with Newton, oh what a guy
He’s a man who’s thoughts reached to the sky
He enhanced math just to prove a theory
Was Newton’s theory right? Relatively
Math was enhanced and thought on and studied
By all those scientist whose brains weren’t muddied
Eventually it was improved and Perfect and great
It was so wonderful they teach it in every state
Calculus was taught and comes with boom
For many high school students it means their doom
Fears and tears follow that class
For many students that sit on their…Fanny
That is where we are now
Learning calc with a wrinkle in the brow
We sit and sigh and cry and weep
And say oh please don’t let my grade go down too deep.