Math, math, nothing but math.
My poor brain can never last.
With it's endless numbers.
Always sending my thoughts into slumber.
Ugh, math and it's stupid terms.
They keeping telling me it will grown on you like a germ,
Yeah right.
Keep telling yourself that Jack.
It ain't happing anytime.
At least not this lifetime.
Since when did they start adding letters?
How is this suppose to make it better?
Who did this, Satan?
Holy moly my brain is break'n.
Now there's imgainary numbers?
Geeze oh, mighty math is one huge bumber.
Whose bright idea was it to make this a requirement?
Not everyone wants to do experiments.
Stupid math and your graphs too.
Just thinking about you makes me blue.
Why not just teach the stupid basics?
The ones we need to keep us from living in the basement.
Okay, my rant is done.
Even though the thought of you feels like a ton.
Ugh, Math how I loathe thee.
Maybe one day I can turn you into a bee.