A Masterpiece for the Ears
Something that is not intangible, yet is.
Something that is heard and seen through everything else.
It gets me through the rough times, and the smooth ones –
when something tragic, or delightful happens, it is always waiting for me.
I use it as my escape from the real world,
and let it carry me from my chair, into a peaceful state of mind.
It is something I need, something I crave.
It is music.
Individual notes – A, B, C, D –
That turn into intervals – seconds, thirds, perfect fourths and fifths –
That become chords – major, minor, augmented and diminished –
That progress into phrases – fast or slow, happy or sad –
That make up masterpieces for the ears.
This is what keeps me alive
For I did not truly live in my first six years,
I rather frolicked about on pure consciousness.
To be stuck on a deserted island is to be away from the things that matter most,
being apart from the music I enjoy.
To go without is like a bear being deprived of its fresh honey,
or a pirate traveling without his potent rum.
Being withdrawn from recognizable melodies leads to uncontrollable insanity,
until the distance disappears.
A life with no music would cause me to lose all sense of purpose,
even more so than simply a life on a deserted island.