A Master-Builder’s Masterpiece

God is a poet,And I, His masterpieceCarefully crafted, beautifully made,Shaped in His image,A reflection of perfection, excellence and supremacy. From the depths of silence, He spoke,His words the brushstrokes of eternity,With verses, He painted stars in the sky,And through rhyme, oceans kissed the shores of existence. His poetry is the foundation rhythm of creation,Life itself a stanza of His infinite verse.At the sound of His voice, commanded, The void surrendered,Light broke from darkness, and the cosmos took shape. "Let there be," He declared—And the sun rose in flames,Mountains stood in reverence,Rivers danced through valleys,And the earth spun to the music of the spheres. Brought to life by His breath,His essence I carry,A living testament to His boundless creative powerI am the art in the artist’s hands,A spark from the divine flame. He etched His name on my soul,His spirit the ink that runs through my veins.I am the masterpiece of a Master-BuilderMore than clay, more than dust, more than flesh. I am, that I am,An echo of He who said,"Let there be."And so I am, and forever will be.  


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